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Every second, 63 items are bought on Amazon.
You are a small robot in one of their warehouse and you have been given the task to deliver these packages to the customer.
Version n°0.4.4
Lost in Warehouse is a puzzle-game in an isometric world where you control a robot inside a warehouse. The goal of each level is to carry a package to the end of the level. You will open doors, push boxes, trigger slides and get teleported in order to accomplish your ultimate mission: Delivering the package to the client. At the end of each level, the player will be able to see what item he was carrying all along.
Wall-E:The small robot you control have some similarities with Wall-E, the hero of the eponym movie by Pixar. Indeed, the robot looks like Wall-E and is also carrying stuff around.
Lost in Translation:
Lost in Translation narrate the story of a faded movie star (Bill Murray) and a neglected young woman (Scarlett Johansson) who form an unlikely bond after crossing paths in Tokyo.
Realised by Sofia Coppola and featuring two great actors, this movie is one of my favorite and is the inspiration for the title of this game.
"You're probably just having a mid-life crisis. Did you buy a Porsche yet?" - Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson)
The origin:During the first week of the HTML5 - Javascript module, I started looking into the possibilities Phaser was offering. I ran into a plugin called Phaser Isometric plug-in developed by Lewis Lane. Watching the examples alongside the plug-in, I began to imagine a puzzle game in an isometric-tiled map.
The story:
The game is located inside a big warehouse owned by a company named "Amazoon". You control a small robot which mission is to find a package and carry it to the end of the level to deliver it the client.
But, beware! This warehouse is more tricky than you think and you may end up going in circles.
Intended goals:
The primary goal for this game is to feel challenged by the "Puzzle" aspect of the game. I hope the player will stand for a moment and think about what is the level's solution. Also, as explained in the Overview page, the player will discover at the end of each level the object he was carrying. Each object will be humorous, therefore the game should make the player want to finish the level as soon as possible to discover the next item.
Expected experience:
The player should be thrilled and maybe have a laugh when discovering the item at the end of each level
This game was a 16 weeks project. The realisation went as follow:
Week 1: Discovering Phaser & Phaser Isometric Plugin capabilitiesWeek 2: Making a Proof Of Concept script with a box wandering in an isometric world
Week 3: Developping a script to read a custom json map and create the level
Week 4 & 5: Rendering smooth deplacement for the robot sprites
Week 6: Adding gameplay elements: Triggers and Doors
Week 7: Adding gameplay elements: Boosts and Boxes
Week 8: Designing this website
Week 9: Refactoring the quickly growing code and correcting multiple bugs
Week 10: Making four real levels
Week 11: Adding gameplay elements: Portals and Enemies
Week 12: Developping the entire HUD
Week 13: Adding musics and sound effects
Week 14: Creating a script to enable cookie-based progress backup
Week 15: Making four real levels
Week 16: Correcting multiple bugs and adding some details
Game Designer & Developer: Thibaud Courtoison
Tiles & Sprites: JohannC
UI assets: Cameron Tatz & Kenney
Phaser: Photon Storm Ltd.
Phaser Isometric plug-in: Lewis Lane
Web icons: Freepik
Musics: JDB Artist
Sounds: Kenney
Items: Lalunelahaut
Special thanks to Lalunelahaut for keeping me awake for the final stretch !