Chaos Frontend Toolkit A set of tools to break your web apps and, in doing so, find ways to improve them. What is the Y2038 bug? Is it already happening? What can I do about it? Find the answers on this website!
Art & Entropy "Introducing Chaos (Engineering) in your frontend" 2021: Devfest Nantes, NantesJS 2022: Snowcamp, Devoxx, Sunny Tech
The Sound of Silence "Des APIs Web pour l'accessibilité des déficiences visuelles et auditives" 2020: SnowCamp, Devfest BDM, NantesJS 2021: Devoxx
PrismaPizza "Your GraphQL backend delivered home in 30min" - (No video available) 2019: Devfest Minneapolis
Prisma and Nexus "Turning your Database into a GraphQL API with Prisma and Nexus" 2019: APIdays Paris